Nudie Jeans
We have been offering Nudie Jeans in our shop for two years now, but we never introduced this Swedish brand properly, although it deserves a cheering applause! Let's dive into the details of this epic Fair & Square SWAY-approved brand...

Nudie chooses to work with organic or recycled cotton for all their cotton garments. Joakim Levin, CEO Nudie Jeans says 'what to choose is a no-brainer, it’s really about common sense". We like this attitude that using sustainable cotton is the most normal thing in the world. Because of course it is. Just to sum it up again:
Organic cotton is grown without any toxic chemicals or genetically modified seeds. It has a low impact on the environment. Organic production leaves the soil useful for other crops to supplement farmer’s food and income. It is beneficial for biodiversity. In contrast, conventional cotton is a chemical-intensive process. These chemicals have a tremendous negative effect on air, water, and soil. As they are among the most toxic substances around, they also have a huge impact on people’s health in cotton-growing areas. No artificial pesticides or fertilizers mean no energy consumption to produce those substances. Organic cotton is rain-fed to large parts, meaning less irrigation and less strain on already water-scarce areas.
With all these facts on hand, it is a mystery why less than 1% of all cotton produced worldwide is organic. So yay for Nudie to not only choose organic cotton but also Fairtrade certified. Fairtrade cotton farmers receive a better price for their cotton than conventional cotton on the market and they receive a Fairtrade premium. This premium gives them the opportunity to invest in local schools, health care facilities, roads and communities. This ensures farmers to work under fair work conditions and receive correct payment for their cotton.
*They also work with other sustainable materials like Lyocell for their non-denim garments.
Fair Wear

An important part of being a sustainable brand is having increased transparency internally and for customers and the wider public. They strive to be as transparent as possible on how the products are made. In order to create a more sustainable industry, built on transparency, social and environmental justice, social dialogue, and equal partnerships, industry collaborations are essential.
They team up with Fair Wear Foundation, for example, which controls the most intensive part of the supply chain and makes sure the working conditions are safe, dignified and properly paid. Another example of their collaborations is Climate Action, an organization which supports the brand to reduce greenhouse gases in line with 1.5C of warming, as outlined by the United Nations Framework on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.
And with Textile Exchange which inspires and equips people to accelerate sustainable practices in the textile value chain.
Free Repairs Forever
We have welcomed Nudie Jeans with open arms at SWAY. Not only are they fully Fair and Square. But their collections are of course amazing, and the quality is superb! We love how sturdy those denims actually are. Our pair will definitely not be worn out in the next years to come. And if not they provide Free Repairs Forever! Say What?
Yes, Free Repairs Forever. Let's explain this in their own words:
'Every pair of Nudie Jeans comes with a promise of free repairs. No matter when or where you got them. Our jeans are meant to be worn a lot. We use only high-quality fabrics, and the sewing is top class.
As we provide the jeans, we also take care of them when they are torn. Just wash your jeans and hand them into your closest Nudie Jeans Repair Spot. Once they are patched and sewn, you have an updated version of your favorite jeans. If you feel the moon is closer than any of our Repair Shops, you can look for our Repair Partners. They are fully equipped to repair and handle your jeans just as if you had left them at one of our shops. Of course, they do it for free as well.'
At the current moment there are no repair shops in Belgium, but there is one in Amsterdam. So if you ever would be in need of a repair, you can contact them. :-)